Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1

As the Capital City of Indonesia, Jakarta has many tourist destinations that are worth to visit by traveling lovers. Starting from Nature, Wildlife Tourism, Culinary Tourism , Travel Tourism, Shopping and Culture in Jakarta. And the following is a list places in Jakarta :

1. Kidzania

38 Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1
Kinzania is a recreation center with a very interisting concept of edutainment for children aged 2-16 years and their parents are Kidzania was established specifically as a replica of a real city, adapted in children's size, complete with buildings, roads, retail is also a variety of vehicles moving around throughout the city.

The buildings shown is a traditional building in a city, such as hospital, Supermarket, Salon, Theatre, Industrial Zone and More. Want to invite children and families on the tourist attractions of Jakarta who can play and relax ? Kidzania may be appropriate for the purpose.

2. Museum Bank Indonesia

38 Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1

Is a museum in Jakarta is located at Jl. Pintu Besar Utara 3, Jakarta Barat( front Beos Kota Station), with buildings occupying an area of former Bank Indonesia City as cultural heritage relics De Javasche Bank in the style of neo-classical building, combined with local influences, and was first founded in year 1828.

This museum provides information proved to Bank Indonesia in a series of the nation's history, which began before the arrival of the western nations in the archipelago until the establishment of Bank Indonesia in 1953 along with the policies of Bank Indonesia, and also reasons and due to Bank Indonesia's policy to the public until 2005.

Submission information is packaged in such a way by combining modern technology and multimedia , such a static panels, electronic displays, dioramas and plasma televisions so as to provide the convenience of tourist during a visit to the Museum of Bank Indonesia. In addition there is a collection of historical objects and fact of events in the period before the establishment of Bank Indonesia, for instance during the kingdoms of the archipelago, among other things such as money numismatic collection is also presented attractively.

3. Masjid Istiqlal

38 Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1

Masjid Istiqlal is mosque of the Republic of Indonesia is located in the center of the capital Jakarta. Istiqlal Mosque is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. The establishment of mosque was initiated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the time, Ir. Soekarno where the installation of the first stone, symbolizing the start of contruction of the istiqlal mosque conducted by Ir. Soekarno on August 24, 1951.

Frederich Silaban the architect of the Istiqlal Mosque. The mosque is carrying the modern architectural style with marble floors and walls, decorated with geometric ornaments from stainless steel. The main building of the mosque crowned with a huge dome with a diameter of 45 meters and supported by 12 pillars are large. Single tower with a total height of 96.66 meters at the south corner of the hall towering mosque. This mosque assembly capacity of more than two hundred thousand people.

4. Gereja Katedral

38 Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1

Or Santa Maria Patron Assumption, De Kerk van Onze Lieve Vrouwe ten Hemelopneming is a chrurch in central Jakarta. The church building was inauguarated in 1901 and established the style of neo-gothic architecture of Europe, which is an architecture that is used to chruch building a few centuries ago. The current chruch was designed and initiated by Pastor Anthony Djikmans and symbolic laying of the first stone made by Carolus Provicaris Wenneker.

This development further treated by Cuypers-Hulswit when Djikmans no longer work, and then inaugurated and blessed on 21 April 1901 by Mgr. Edmundus Sybradus Luypen, SJ, Apostolic Vicar of Jakarta. Cathedral is known today is actually not the original church building in that place, because the original cathedral was inaugurated in February 1810, but on July 27, 1826 the chruch building was on fire coincided with the 180 houses in the vicinity. Then, on May 31, 1890, the Chruch has ever collapsed. The view of the chruch's architecture could be an attractive tourist spot Jakarata as well as add insight development religion and culture in Jakarta.

5. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII)

38 Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is a tourist area with theme park located in East Jakarta Indonesian Culture. This park is a summary of the Indonesian culture, which covers various aspects of the daily life of people in the Indonesians province that is presented in the pavilion area of traditional architecture.

In addition TMII also displays a variety of dance, fashion and traditions of the area. In the middle of TMII is a lake that describes the replica mini Indonesian archipelago in the middle, a cable car, museums, and the IMAX Theatre Fatherland, diverse entertainment facilities have put TMII as one the sights of Jakarta the most crowded in the season school holidays.

6. Kepulauan Seribu

38 Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1

Its territory includes the cluster of islands in the Bay of Jakarta. In this area there is also a conservation area shaped marine national park called the Thousand Islands Marine National Parks (TNKS). As the area is mostly covered in water and in it also housed a conservation area, it is not strange if the development of the district is more focused on the empowerment of mariculture and tourism.

7. Taman Impian Jaya Ancol

38 Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1

Is a tourist destination in North Jakarta. Taman Impian Jaya Ancol is a modern community life of society as a symbol of national pride. Trying to build a better social environment through offer quality entertainment that element of art, culture and knowledge, in any efforts towards community 'Life Re-Creation'.

8. Waterborn Jakarta

38 Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1

Natural attractions open very fun for families. However, these places will be crowded during the holiday season. If you are interested, make sure you have a proper schedule that visits to tourist attractions in Jakarta did not disappoint as a result full of visitors.

9. Museum Layangan Jakarta

38 Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1

Kite Museum Indonesia is a privately-run museum with a collection of kites from various regions in Indonesia. Indonesian Kite Museum is located at Jl H. Kamang 38, Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, which can be visited via the Jalan Fatmawati. According to the news the tourist can not just take a picture of a kite display. So make sure you ask this question to officials there while visiting. For lovers of laying kite, should certainly not be going to sites forgetfulness Jakarta this one.

10. Museum Wayang

Puppet Museum is a museum located in Jalan Pintu Besar Utara No. 27, West Jakarta. Building that looks interesting and unique it has several times been recast. This building was originally named De Oude Hollandsche Kerk ("Old Dutch Chruch") and was first estabilished in 1640. In 1732 was renamed De Nieuwe Hollandse Kerk (New Chruch Netherlands) until 1808 because it was destroyed by an earthquake in the same year, in place of the former land of debris is established puppet museum building and its use a museum has been inaugurated on August 13, 1975.

Wayang Museum displays a variety of form and types of puppets from all over Indonesia, both made of leather and wood or other materials. Puppets from other countries are also on display, for example, of the People's Republic of China and Cambodia. Noted Puppet Museum collects more than 4.000 puppets, made up of puppets, marionettes, shadow boxes, puppet grass, coconut puppets, masks, dolls, puppets beber and gamelan. Generally dolls into collection at the museum are dolls from Europe, even though they also come from non-European countries such as Thailand, Suriname, China, Vietnam, India and Colombia. Puppet lovers can certainly broden horizons by traveling to Jakarta this one. Tourist can enjoy a puppet show, held periodically at weeks 2 and 3 each month.

11. Teater JKT48

38 Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1

Theatre JKT48 is an exclusive theatre for performances and groups JKT48 sister. The theater is located on the 4th floor of the mall fX Lifestyle X'nter Jakarta. The opening of this theater implemented on 8 September 2012 with performances setlist "Pajama Drive".

12. Gigle Fun Factory

38 Jakarta Tourism Destinations Part 1

A place to play with the concept of one stopping edutainment in Giggle & The Fun Factory. The place where the game is not just a child can play, but also have fun at the same time exercise creativity.

To play as much at Giggle & The Fun Factory visitors must pay Rp 95.000 tickets for non members, Rp 85.000 to Rp 20.000 for the members and companion per person. Tourist attractions Jakarta, which is very suitable for recreation with beloved baby.