Jakarta Travel Map

Jakarta Travel Map
Map Of DKI Jakarta
Jakarta is the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. Metropolitan area as well as the increasingly large population over 9 millions people. Jakarta is the center of all national government of DKI Jakarta is so central administration governing the financial as well as business. So the political and economic center in because in the Jakarta area all meeting people from across Indonesia. Jakarta has lured people from all walks of life. Jakarta is also the center of modern indonesian music and creative industries center. Therefore, no wonder if anything that look place in jakarta so national attention and is the hub of the wheel of history and modern life of Indonesia.

Located on the north coast of the western side of the island of java , Jakarta is now comprised of six cities namely Jakarta include Merdeka Square as well as the location of the elite Menteng, South Jakarta include Kebayoran and Bintaro , West Jakarta now developed so the main city where it can be built buildings and hotels. East Jakarta called trade area as well as recreational beaches namely Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Thousand Island, as well as the most beautiful island in the Bay of Jakarta.

Map of Thousand Islands
Map of Thousand Islands